Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Data Structure

what is the difference between "SET" and "Array List" ?.
1)Why the Tree is called Non-liner Data Structure?.
2)what kind oftree traversel gives Sorting order ?.
3)what data structre you will use to store your name ?.
4)while writing algorthim what key factors need be consider ?.
5)why the "bubble sort" named "bubble sort" ?.
6)what is compleate binary tree ?.
7)what data structre you will use for construct dictionary ?.
8)what are the methods to store string?.
9)what is the difference between quque and circular quque?.
10)for near sorted array what kind of sorting algorthim will be best ?.
11)while doing liner search what the main factor need to be consider?.
12)when ever recursion call happen means what datastructre will form ?.
13)whatis hash table ?.
14)what is symbol table ?.
15)what is back tracking ?.
16)Write algorthim to reverse the signlely Link list?.
17)What is the difference between Link List and Array List ?.
18)what are Advantages of AVL trees?.
19)what is the use of B+?.
20)Implement queue using two stacks ?.


RaGhaV said...

u urself could add answers to all these questions machi.. it will be more useful then.. so that we could identify the appropriate answer, instead of forming our own..

Nice Post.. :-)

Unknown said...

it is very nice..
better you can write any new algorithm.. it is very useful for research..

Periasamy said...

if i post answerthe reading people won't think much da,that's why i am not willing post the answer.
even if they have issues they can mail me i gave my mail id.

Keisham_Rishi said...

Hello Periasamy,

Why don't you put in the algorithm for your C project done in second year.


Ultimate said...

Super da perusu. At last yu have started a blog on your favourite subject. Post it regularly with more technical stuff.