Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Application Software Development

I am Periyasamy Jaganathan having 7+ years of exp with Application Software Development.

I Just wanted to share Key Points to do well in Application Software Development.

Guys studying(computer science or non computer science ) moving to IT - Application Software Development .
Few people really doing well with Application Software Development
but few of them wont able to execute with full potential what they have.

 I understand application software development deals with two major things
1)Problem Solving
2)Technology Work

Once you build on your self with Good Problem solving skills  whet ever technical work (.Java or NET or PHP or Testing) or Data Base ) you get you can do well.

Technology learning will change day to day. say example today one project getting developed with PHP. The same project may need to develop for better usability and performance with other technology's like(  Java with Spring and Hibernate or .NET)
So technology work will change day to  day and we are suppose to adopt that.

I really wanted say if we build  very good problem solving skills our self what ever technology works comes we can do it.

For building very good problem solving skills irrespective of any education background
just try to solve problems with different logic.

here some nice problems try it out any help need please free to contact me i am ready to help u.

Try this problems with C lang or Write API for this with out using any other API

so that u think more and more and rock in Application Software Development.

1) Input data :
   output : ten thousend
   two lakh fifty thousend
   ten crore twenty five lakh forty five thousand sin hundred and thirty
   number should be displayed in word.

2) find the number of  days between two dates.
   for eg  : From
   1-2-1996  To 1-3-2006 - No.of.days - 3,700

3)you are given give one string (say)
   aaabbbccc - length of this  string is  9
   so the input will be aaabbbccc9- you have   to remove  9.
   example 2 :
   aaabbbcccdddeeefff this string length is  18
   so the input will be aaabbbcccdddeeefff18 - you have   to remove  9..

4) find  2nd largest number in an array. you can traverse the  array once only.
  example : 1,2,3,4,5,6 - output - 5

5) Given a sentence, reverse all the words in the sentence but not the sentence itself.
Input : The given sentence must be reversed.
Output : ehT nevig ecnetnes tsum eb .desrever

6) Write a problem to remove the dublicate elements in an array
   (say) array conists of 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,2,4,- output - 1,2,3,4,5

7) eap to find frquency of every alphabet.
   example : adcadde - out put - a - 2 times and d - three times and  c one time and e one time

8) write a program for the following cases there is doubly link list nodes
datas are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ouput wants 10 8 6 4 2
you can traverse array once only

9) You have one array having data 0-9 only
int a[10]={1,3,4,1,3,2,5,6,4,4};
you have tell each element how many times apperared.
say now 1 comes -2 times
2 comes- 1 time
3 comes -2 times
4 comes -3 times
5 comes -1 time
6 comes - 1 time

10) Here exam result ready.they decided to give 5 mark bounds for you so you the got result like
so you add 5 bonus mark try make pass maximum number of subjects ?.
best case for this
sub2 adding one mark gets 50 - 1 mark
sub3 adding one mark gets 50 -1 mark
sub6 adding one mark gets 50 -1 mark
sub4 adding one mark gets 50 -2 mark
you can make pass 4 subjects suppose
if your add sub1 5 makes means only one subject will be cleared,
so think and implement the best exam result.

11) Given two array of numbers
  a - 1,2,3,4,5,6
  b - 2,3,4,5,7,8
  1)write the problem find the comman numbers in both array 2,3,4,5
  2)A u B  - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
  3)A- B - 1,6
   4) B- A - 7,8

12) wirte probelm for expression evalution with pritiy Please dont use any tree travels(inorder,preorder,postorder). write your own methods.
    exple : 7+4-2 = 9 out put
            7*2-2 = 12

13) wirte the problem given singly link list looping or not.if looping avalible return the looping node.

14)Find all the repeating sub-string sequence of specified length in a large string sequence. The sequences returned i.e. the output must be sorted alphabetically.

For e.g.

Input String: "ABCACBABC"
repeated sub-string length: 3

Output: ABC

Input String: "ABCABCA"
repeated sub-string length: 2

Output: AB, BC, CA

15)Given an array of elements find the largest possible number that can be formed by using the elements of the array
eg: 10 9
ans: 910
eg: 2 3 5 78
ans: 78532

16) Given a linked list of size n and natural number kEg:
Original linked list:
Here n=11
Given k=3 the new list should look like this:
Here first the elements are divided into groups of k starting from the first like this:
G1=1->2->3, G2=4->5->6, G3=7->8->9, G4=10->11
After reversing
G1=3->2->1, G2=6->5->4, G3=9->8->7, G4=11->10
Then combine them like this:
